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THE FVEXING STAR.irtBLIsrf* Mlltf S"?aj eierpted, ,At Tlio M1nr8.W. Corner PnuuylvaniA At. and SL, jbt m iEYEMSG STAE NEWSPAPER COMPACT.Till dTAK ?? ky carrier* to th?(t ?*bHeritor* tn th? City awl District at T?S Oust* pbewill ?>r roiTT FOSI Cunt* pce mouth. C pi???t thf counter, Two Cittj.Pb.cb f? V*n.!*a Thr* mhJ t ?A?T EEP4MITBBT,*44 r STREET.bum mm Thirumtk mid tonrutnik Struts.DLL PAINTINGS. ENGRAVINGS,PHOTOGRAPHS, CHBOMOS, Be.,ROGER'S GROUPS Or CULPTURE.ARTISTS' MATERIALS.STATUBTTES, Ac.. Ac .riUTURB FRAMES.CORD AND rAiSBLS, Ac., BC.VELVET PASSE PARTOUTS,PARLOR BRACKETS, BeA Fine Assortment forHOLIDAY PRESENTS.oc?ly A. V. 818M1TB.WASHINGTON CITY STRING AND ERAs^BAND.?Ready i . ail time* to fnrnishMl SIC for all occafMooe. H DONl'H leader.4Order* left at re* d nee. 437 Eighth street'east, between k and G street* swath, or h?*ad? street and Caual. Depot: Poll niaaw-s :n? G L SHSR1FT^_C*JA3*^S GLEASON,stKcesaor toGleason AGlenn.C. street Wharf, b. g. leave to inform h:? nnmerwn*trlsur1* and cn-d totormxh. at lowest market rat.-*, the h.??t unality ofREl> and WHITE ASH ANTHRACITE COAL,a!I ?./e. M MHERLAND COAL, LUMP. ANDRl N OF MINE; HICKORY. OAK AMD PINEV null, in the stick or sawed an i split.My TV' tto will be in the fntnre. as In the past."gmrivilegcs and subject to all thed ? r fees within the D-strict ofColumbia.mi . 4. And be it further enae'ed. That the membeis of said : ocietv, or such of their officers ormimlers as t'uey shall appoint, shall have fullI jwer and authority f j examine all candidatestor membership concerning the practice ofspeotic medicine and surgery, provided eaidcandidates.hall sustain a good moral character,and shall present letters testimonial of theirqualifications iiom .om? legally authorizcimedical iratitut-on; and if, u(>on such examination, the same account of color, shall be found qualified for thepractice of medicine and *urgery, they shall receive the certificate of membership or the licensei j practice medicine or surgery within the DLstri? of Columbia.Sec. SV. And be ?t further enacted, Tha.' anyact-or parts of acts conflicting with the provision? of this act be. and are hereby, repealed.Approved, April 22,1*70.fPCBLIC? No. 40.1An Act for incorporating a hospital for foundlings in the city of Washington.Be it enacted by the Senate and Home of R? *snnted and aelusive preparationsboastire virtues they do not poeeees. The genuinem\ BatcheJorls Hair Dy# nu had tAtrly vt&ts'sntarnisbed reputation to uphold Its integrity asthe oalyjerfect Hair Dye-lfiack or Browi &oldby all tiruggW Applied at 1? Bead street,llL fenrlectures. "L'HEE PH1VATK LK TI RK,A'FB*tfl'B^VATK Bit^lock?Atda?a^rn!iVua^tion8 at 8t-Jame>BALLSrPARTIES, Ac.yHK FLOBAL *I("?T1VAL AMD EXHIPBOFS. BELL A CA8SELL, &kWill be held at #m_ MAR1NI 8 ACADEMY.? ?h!t^i*DNrKiDAYBVl:N,NO'M*T Hth^o'clock Fancy Dancing te commence at 8Dancing to commence at 10 o'clock.4 r rH'lC W,U ** und'7?,he direction of Professor- I Bep.) rny2 9tH ft K?8D,ll1? may BALL WILL BB h .j .rporat I forloyal refugees and freed men, uuJer in act ofCongress entitled an act to Inco-twrat* Howa-dUniversity, tn the District of Coin mbla, approved March ad, 1*7; said sum to be paid oatof the balance on band March 2d. of ?*refugee* and freedmen's fund. This order toba*d upon the authority of an act of Congre?"entitled an act making appropriations for thesupport of the army lor the year eniUnz.June?, 1W, and for other purposes, approved March2d, 1MT. Said transfer shall be made upon receipt for said sun, signed by som-; p?r?n dulvauthon red by said corporation tc reoelve andreceipt for the same.By order of Brevet M%jor General O. O. Howard, Commissioner.E. WniTTLXfiiv, A. A. A. O.A similar order, No. ST, d^ted April 13,1?C7,transferred and another dited D* 'ember 14,1K67, transferred S25,000 tt? the University fund.FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS.Thii AfUnioon'i Proceeding*.Mosdat, May 9.SENATE?Various petitions an 1 memorialswere presented and referred.Mr. Fenton introduced bill requiring the Secretary of the Treasury, national banks andother corporations or associations to cause to bepublished annual'y a statement, showing amountof interest due ui*>n certificates of stock issuedby United States, dividends, deposits and Interests accruing from other sources unclaimed fortwo ycais.The bill to reduce taxation was tiiken up, onmotion of Mr. Momll,of Vermont, who de?nxlto address some remarks bearing njon the subject. He said that the country wa> rapidly attaining to such a condition that ore Ions wewould t>e able to dispense with direct taxation,and attention would thenceforth be directed tothe tariff; and it was on this that he desired tomake tome remarks.Mr. M. then gave an elaborate review of thewoikingof free trade in Great Britain, maintaining that it had been a disadvantageto both government and peoph*, and thatunder the sy*cm of direct taxation thepublic e*j>euditure8 had been very lavish;last year exceeding the Income byrcveral million pounds. He held that a tariff ft>rtevenue alone would be destructive to all laborinterests, and advocated a tariff that shouldcombine adequate protection of our manufactures and revenue, just so much protection aswould induce healthful competition.Mr. M. was still speaking when this reportclosed*HOUSE.?The House reassembled at twelveo'clock. The hall presented a very neat appesiance, new matting having been laid downl*i the place of the green carpet which previously covered the floor. Contrary to generalexpectation, there was a quorum present.As soon as the journal was read, Mr. Allison,in accordance with what he alleged was the undemanding of the House, moved an adjournuent.Mr. Farnswoith denied that there was anysuch understanding, and demanded the ayessnd noes, andThe House, by a vote ol 7? ayes to 58 noes, at1?:40 adjourned.THE FRENCH ELECTION.Pants. May 8?The prefect of police thimorning Issued the following proclamation?' Kumors alarming for the public peace circulate in several parts of the capital, and di?ordeis are predicted as sure to follow the countingof the vote. The prefect of police thereforedeems it his duty to warn citizens that the mo tetticacious measures have been taken to reprewith energy and promptitude every attempt atsedition. The prefect invites all good citizen*to keep away from places where criminal attempts may be made, and thus be speciallvcharged with insuring respect for persons an?iParis, May H._The voting on the plebiscltum is completed, and the counting has commenced. Great military precautious weietaken, and the city has been quiet all dav. !>??causes great activity in the irou regions olWales.oTHE HcrABLAXB TBIAL TO-DAV.Immense Crowd In Conrt-The Ladle*on Hand in Fore?? Argament ofGraham for Defence?The NpeelalProvidence that Direct* the Balletof an Injnred Hnnband?The Trlbnne OUice Implicated in the( rime.Telegraphed Exclutitely to Tke Keening Star.Nrw York, May 9.?There is an immensecrowd at the court to-day, including manyladies. Mr. Graham continued for the uet'euce.he reminded the jury that McFarland's previous attempt? on Uicuartlson's lite should haveno weight with them, because he had not beenproved sane at the time. He also reminded thejary ot the casual manner in which McFarUndmet Richardson in the Tribune office, andalluded to a si>ecial providence which seemsto direct the bullet of an injured husband,and which shows t'le moral justice ot the c is*.Mnot be considered, bccause they were clearlythe offspring of a frenzied mind. The counselthen reviewed the evidence of Mr. Coughlinand Mr. El wood to show the deranged state ofhii- mind durng the throe days preceding the25th ot Nov. His movements then, not his word*,should guide the jury. Another i?hH^i?o? of restricting the veto power of th- bi?h >p?for > ?!l\ i?fc>? of th* Memphis Ciilwtn f.n d Or wl?rt!?g a person tf wrttj(fc?Hlr *ithe let? Ui?lu>p Soul* A r "aula! tonto nxfl k> n aitfr at 'he Src >nd Strict Mctbedi t ( kirck. a'-a. m ihtl after tM 14* tan.? reialotior* or man 1 one to edtonrn sine .tie on the 2JdSail Mena at Phil*TV.yry4?a JTadmftrtUt H Tk0 fiI'hii apki rpTA. Mar ?-The pai>er* itamorning are #lle panes broken, an i the flower* ? Jma-hJnl> . Iiai u-,3JM>.1MK UK loath. _ ???it* -.--...toSlto anu r\Amtricati Ut4d i?^f F> Arwtor* aaTfCnw Trial Tt e Atata ?'?,old, ??*?; Temmiw Hlat* fa, o?w. a; Vtrcinta8tat Cai'K*.Loxr*>*. Mar 9, II a. m ?Coaaola. NaMV; B nd?.1*2 SI. ',,**.; IM.W; l-?r.W. 10 40*. *S\, llliuois,112; Erie. I?H; Atlantic. *.Livrepooi., 11 a. m Cettoa market open* 2ff7e9595c

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